The Enterprise JavaBeans 3 specification is a deep overhaul of the EJB specification that improved the EJB architecture by reducing its complexity from the developer’s point of view. It leverages annotations and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) technologies to eliminate the dependence on complex EJB APIs, allow POJO (Plain Old Java Object) based development, and provide an effective technology for creating distributed, transactional components, and for mapping relational data to an object schema. The EJB 3.2 release is part of the Java EE 7 specification and adds additional refinements and capability.
This course provides thorough coverage of the EJB3 technology - presented in a clear and effective manner. It starts with the basic concepts and APIs of EJB and then continues on with complex topics such as message driven beans and transactions. New concepts such as the use of annotations and the use of CDI / Dependency Injection to initialize references are covered in depth. The course also includes thorough coverage of managing persistence using the Java Persistence API 2 (JPA2). This course provides additional coverage of JPA as compared to our Fast Track to EJB3 course.
The course uses hands-on labs and a well-paced approach to make this complex technology understandable in an accelerated fashion. You will come away with a comprehensive understanding of EJB and the important issues that need to be considered to use it in real world applications. This course can be customized to your requirements.
Course Objectives:
Understand the EJB 3 architecture and API, and how it fits into the overall Java EE architecture
Understand and use the EJB 3 annotations
Create, deploy & use stateful & stateless session beans
Use CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) to initialize resources
Understand and use Interceptors (Lifecycle and Business Method)
Use JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) and be familiar with current portable naming conventions
Write EJB clients (remote and local)
Understand, deploy and use message-driven beans
Understand distributed transactions, the Java Transaction API, and the EJB transaction model
Understand and use the EJB security model
Understand practical architectural issues associated with EJB applications
Understand the new Java Persistence API (JPA)
Create deploy and use JPA persistent Entities
Map relational schemas to persistent entities, including the use of primary keys
Understand and use the EntityManager
Understand and use Java Persistence Query Language
Use optimistic locking and versioning
Use advanced JPA capabilities such as entity relationships (1-1, 1-N, N-N, unidirectional, bidirectional), inheritance, and embeddable classes
Learn best practices associated with JPA applications