Fast Track to EJB 3.2 (JEE 7 level) and JPA2: Lab Setup Instructions (Standard on Mac OS: Java 8, Eclipse, WildFly 8)
Below are the standard requirements for this course. If you have any questions or issues, please contact us.
Important Note: Student lab files are required on each computer used for the course. The links for these are not in this lab setup, and you should receive them separately.
Other notes:
- It’s a good idea to keep downloaded software install files on the machines during the class in case of problems that require a re-install.
- Cloning a setup is generally not a problem. If it is, we’ll mention it in the software section (for example, much of the IBM/RAD-WAS software can be problematic in this regard).
Hardware and classroom setup.
Each student and the instructor shall have a workstation that fulfills the listed requirements.
- Required: Intel-compatible processor (with reasonably recent hardware).
- Memory: 8GB min recommended
- Disk Space: Free disk space for software installs (generally minimum 2GB)
- Operating System: One of the following.
- Mac OS: Any relatively recent version - lab instructions are generally geared for Windows users, but Mac users should be able to adapt fairly easily. If shell scripts are provided for labs, they generally are provided in both Windows and *nix variants.
- Linux: The labs should run under Linux, but we do not test under Linux, nor directly support it. If you have problems or questions, feel free to reach out, and we’ll do our best to help.
- Recommended: Internet access
- Recommended: Class machines networked together - allows students to access a shared network directory.
- Required: Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Required: One of either Safari browser, Firefox browser ( or Chrome browser (
Lab Files: Each student and instructor must have lab files installed (links to these files are generally sent separately via e-mail).
- Extract the lab files to a location conveniently accessible to the student (e.g. the student’s home directory )
- If using folder other than the student’s home directory, make sure that students know where they are.
Other instructor requirements for the classroom
- Projector or large screen TV capable of 1280x800 or higher resolution. Instructor must be able to use this to project slides.
- Whiteboard (preferred) or flip charts with markers.
Install Java Development Kit – JDK 1.8 Update 271
- Note that any relatively recent JDK1.8 version is fine.
- From download the installer file
- Mac OS: xxx-macosx-x64.dmg
Run the installer and take all defaults.
- Create or modify environment variables. This will add an environment variable JAVA_HOME, and modify your path to include the jdk bin folder
- Done by modifying .bash_profile in the user’s home folder
Open a terminal prompt, type the below, and press Enter
javac -version
You should get a message that tells you the version. If the command is not found, you did something wrong.
- Close the terminal prompt. You’re done installing Java
Install WildFly 8.2
- Download: Try this direct link first:
- If that works you’re done with the download and can continue with the Extract step below
- If that doesn’t work, continue with the steps below.
- Go to go to the 8.2.0.Final section
- Go to the zip file link for the “Java EE Full & Web Distribution”
- The filename will be
- Save the file where you can access it easily
- Extract: Extract the zip file where students can access and run it easily.
- Windows OS: Common location is C:\
- Mac OS: Common location is user home directory.
- Create a JBOSS_HOME Environment variable that points to the WildFly install folder (according to your OS needs)
- Windows OS: Right click My Computer and choose Properties, Click the Advanced tab, Click the Environment Variables butto
- *nix / Mac OS: Generally done in user’s shell config file (e.g. ~/.bashrc)
- That’s all that needs to be done to install WildFly.
Install Eclipse Oxygen
(Version 4.7.3a or similar)
- Download: From, download the installer file for your OS
NOTE: Look for the Download Links section in the page. Do NOT use the big Download button.
- Mac OS: xxx-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.dmg
- Execute the installer
- Execute the installer, and install to Applications folder as usual
- Test
- Run the program (run from Applications folder unless you did a different kind of install)
- Accept the default workspace, and let it load
- Quit Eclipse
- Security alert Note: If you get an alert that you can’t open Eclipse because it’s from an unidentified developer, then dismiss the alert (OK), and do the following.
- Hold the Control key when you click on the icon for Eclipse
- Choose Open from the shortcut menu
- Click Open in the subsequent dialog window
- This will save the security exception and permit opening in the future.
- That’s it. You’re done installing Eclipse
Install JBoss Tools Into Eclipse
- Start Eclipse:
- Launch according to your OS and install details - e.g. for Windows, execute C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe, and for Mac, execute from Applications folder.
- In the dialog that comes up, use whatever workspace location is convenient (the default or something else you choose)
- Within Eclipse, close the welcome screen (Click the X on its tab)
- Install JBoss Tools: These are additional Eclipse plugins needed to work with JBoss servers within Eclipse.
- Within Eclipse, go to the Eclipse Marketplace - Menu Item Help | Eclipse Marketplace
- Type JBoss Tools in the Eclipse Marketplace search box and execute the search (generally via a search icon or Go Button)
- In the results, look for the JBoss Tools n.n.n.Final selection (e.g. JBoss Tools 4.5.1.Final) and click its Install button (the n.n.n version will change based on your Eclipse version)
- In the dialog that opens, Unselect the top level selection (e.g. JBoss Tools 4.5.1.Final)
- Make sure the top level selection is expanded, and select the following items
- JBoss AS, WildFly and EAP Server Tools
- JBoss Runtime Detection Core
- JBoss JAX-RS Tools and JBoss JAX-WS Tools (if available)
- Click Confirm in the lower right of the dialog
- Accept any license agreements
- Click Finish
- During the install, click OK if asked to confirm installation of any unsigned content
- Click Restart when prompted
- Set up Server within Eclipse
- Within Eclipse, go to the Servers view (Menu item Window | Show View | Servers or if that’s not visible then Window | Show View | Other | Server | Servers)
- Right click within the Servers view, and select New | Server
- In the dialog that opens, expand the JBoss Community node (for WildFly servers) or the Red Hat JBoss Middleware Node (for JBoss EAP servers)
- Select your server (Note your exact server may not be present. Select the latest one that is not newer than your server - e.g. WildFly 8.x for WildFly 8.2 or JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1+ for JBoss EAP 6.4)
- Click Next until you reach the dialog for the server install directory, and configure it to point to your server install
- Click Finish
- Start the server and test
- Right click on the server you just created in the Servers view, and select Start
- Look at the Console View and note the server logging - it should start without any exceptions, and include a log message that the server started near the last logging (If console view not visible - Window | Show View | Console)
- Browse to http://localhost:8080/ where you should see a simple home page -
- If the home page is NOT accessible then the server didn’t start properly. Most common cause of this is port conflicts. Check (according to your OS) if port 8080 is in use, and if it is, then stop the process using it. Make sure that you set things up so students will NOT run into this issue.
- Shut down server and Eclipse
- Within Eclipse, in Servers view, right click on your server and select Stop
- Once the server stops, then Quit Eclipse
- That’s it - you’re done!