This is an intensive, hands-on and interactive workshop that teaches students the critical skills and techniques necessary to perform effective real-world user requirements capture and documentation. The course provides students with a thorough grounding in using the industry standard “Use Case” techniques popularized by Ivar Jacobson and other Object Oriented practitioners.
The course begins with a high level overview of modern systems and how their unique characteristics affect the requirements gathering and documentation process. After an introduction to some basic concepts relevant to gathering requirements, students are shown how the requirements capture process fits into and feeds into the industry standard SDLCs, (specifically, an SDLC that is iterative, incremental and use case driven).
The bulk of the course is spent learning how to use the use case approach to gather and document user and system requirements, with emphasis on practical techniques for troubleshooting and refining use cases and for working effectively with users, stakeholders and domain experts.
The course is an even balance between theory and practical exercises (including simulated interviews and sessions with users); with a strong emphasis on techniques for identifying and resolving real world problems and issues.