Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3 are another evolutionary advance of Spring’s powerful capabilities.They bring Spring in line with other important software releases such as Java 17+ and Jakarta EE 9.
The course introduces the many Spring Core capabilities, as well as providing guidelines on when and how to use them. It also goes into considerable depth on using Spring Boot for dependency management and auto-configuration, as well as Spring REST for creating RESTful resources. It utilizes Spring Boot's easy configuration and auto-configuration wherever possible. "Classic" Spring configuration (usually more verbose and complicated) is optionally covered in abbreviated form.
The course starts with in-depth coverage of Spring’s Core module to reduce coupling and increase the flexibility, ease of maintenance, and testing of your applications. It goes on to cover many of the most important capabilities of Spring, including easing configuration with Spring Boot, integrating JPA persistence layers with Spring and Spring Data, and using Spring’s declarative transaction capabilities.
The course includes a solid introduction to Spring REST, and coverage of building RESTful resources. It also covers many of the details of Spring Boot, including how to create Boot-based POMs (maven) for simplified dependency management, customizing Boot behavior, and understanding/managing Boot’s auto-configuration.
This course is hands on with labs to reinforce all the important concepts. It will enable you to build working Spring applications and give you an understanding of the important concepts and technology in a very short time.