This course provides hands-on and in-depth coverage on configuring and managing WildFly 10 and JBoss EAP 7 servers - the latest release in the very popular JBoss® series of application servers. This course incorporates WildFly 10’s new features and changes compared to earlier WildFly releases. EAP 7 is the supported release of the WildFly 10 server.
The course is very hands-on, with brief hands-on mini-labs throughout the material which illustrate a topic and help with retention. It also includes numerous larger hands-on labs to dig deeply into a topic.
This course covers all the important administrative tasks that are required to administer this new version of the server. It starts with basic structure, architecture and installation, and moves on to working with the various management tools and deploying applications. Configuration and management of all the important services and subsystems are covered, as is security, domains, and clustering. All management tools are covered, including direct editing of XML configuration files, using the CLI (Command Line Interface), and using the Web-based Management Console. See the list of Sklls Gained and the Detailed Outline for more details.
The course is focused, informative, and created by experts in the JBoss/WildFly AS. It will demystify the many important capabilities and structure of WildFly 10, and leave you well prepared to install, configure, and manage server installations.