JDBC - Java Database Connectivity
JDBC is a Java technology for accessing SQL databases. It is a core part of J2EE, and it works with every major database product. This hands-on course covers all the details that you will need to use JDBC to access the information in your databases using Java. It also talks about real world issues in using JDBC.
Course Information:
Course Code: JDBC
Price: $50
Duration: 1 day
Labs: many hands-on labs (minimum 50% of course)
Prerequisites: No programming experience necessary
Supported Software Environments:
Course Objectives:
- Understand the JDBC architecture
- Connect to different databases with JDBC
- Understand the JDBC API
- Execute SQL statements using JDBC, and retrieve results
- Call stored procedures from JDBC
- Understand and control transactions with JDBC
- Retrieve information about database structure using DatabaseMetaData
- Use Advanced JDBC features
Course Outline:
- Relational Database and JDBC Overview
- Overview, Table Relationships, Web Based Data Access, JDBC Characteristics
- JDBC Architecture, JDBC API Overview
- JDBC Atchitecture and API
- JDBC Drivers
- Naming databases with JDBC URLs
- Connecting to a database
- DriverManager and Database Connections
- Connection interface, Establishing a connection
- DataBaseMetaData
- Handling Database Exceptions
Data Access
- Repositories/DAOs and O-R Mapping
- Processing Database Data
- Creating and Executing with Statement
- Type Mapping
- Processing a ResultSet
- Dealing with Null data
- PreparedStatement and CallableStatement (Stored Procedures)
- Updating, inserting, retrieving data
- Controlling Transactions
- JDBC Driver Types
- DataSource
- Overview
- Using JNDI
- Connection and Statement Pooling
Advanced Topics
- JPA Overview
- Advanced JDBC Features
- Batch Updates, Srollable Result Sets, Rowsets, User Defined Types, BLOBS, CLOB