Introduction to Spring Boot 2
As the Spring framework has grown, creating and configuring Spring applications has become more and more complex. Spring Boot takes an “opinionated” view of an application (via intelligent defaults) that minimizes configuration and boilerplate Spring code. Spring Boot makes it easier to use Spring’s many frameworks, and adds advanced capabilities such as health monitoring.
This course introduces Spring Boot from the ground up, including overviews of building blocks such as Spring Core (including usage of @Configuration) maven. It covers the key features and capabilities of Spring Boot and many important technologies such as database and Web server support.
This course covers Spring Boot 2 and Spring 5 - the current releases of these frameworks.
Course Information:
Course Code: SPRING-BOOT-2
Price: $ 150
Duration: 3 days
Labs: many hands-on labs (minimum 50% of course)
Prerequisites: Working knowledge of Java programming and Spring programming
Supported Software Environments:
- Standard: Java 11 and Eclipse IDE
(Non-standard software may require additional wait and incur additional charges.)
Course Objectives:
- Get a rapid overview of Spring Core, Spring configuration, and maven/gradle - building blocks for Spring Boot
- Understand the needs that Spring Boot fulfills
- Be familiar with using Spring Boot starters and to easily create new applications
- Understand and use Spring Boot’s auto-configuration
- Customize your application configuration
- Configure database connectivity via Spring Boot
- Understand and use Spring Data and Spring Boot’s support for it
- Understand Spring Boot’s Web capabilities (focusing on Spring REST), including embedded servlet containers.
- Be familiar with Spring Boot Data REST
- Use and configure Spring Security with Spring Boot
- Understand and use Spring Boot’s Actuator
- Be familiar with Spring Boot’s Devtools
- Use Actuator endpoints to monitor and manage applications
- Be familiar with the Spring Boot CLI
Course Outline:
Session 1: Spring Configuration Overview
- Spring Overview
- Spring Configuration (XML, @Component, and @Configuration)
- Dependency Injection
Session 2: Introduction to Spring Boot
- Brief maven Overview
- Intro to Spring Boot - What is Spring Boot and What It Does
- Spring Boot Hello World / SpringApplication
- Using SpringApplication, CommandLineRunner, ApplicationRunner
Session 3: Configuration and Customization
- Working with Properties - YAML and .properties
- Logging and its Configuration
- Spring TestContext Framework
- Auto-configuration Overview
- Customization
Session 4: Spring Boot Database Support
- Basic Auto-configuration - Datasource and Pooling
- Configuration Properties
- JPA Support
- Overview of Spring Boot Data and Spring Boot Data JPA
- Querying with Spring Boot Data
Session 5: Spring Boot Web/REST and Security
- DispatcherServlet Review
- Web Starters and Configuration spring-boot-starter-web
- Using Embedded Servers (Tomcat, Netty)
- Deploying to an External Server
- Spring Security Overview (Web)
- spring-boot-starter-security - Auto-configuration and Customization
- Spring Boot Data REST
Session 6: Actuator and Devtools:
- Actuator Overview and Capabilities
- Actuator Endpoints
- Custom Actuators and Health Checks
- Overview of Spring Boot Devtools
Session 7: Spring Boot CLI
- Overview and Capabilities
- Web App in a Tweet!
- Installing and Running