Learning Patterns Your Source for Quality Technology Courseware

Big Data Overview: Lab Setup Instructions (For Eclipse plus Tomcat)

Below are the standard requirements for this course. If you have any questions or issues, please contact us.

Important Note: Student lab files are required on each computer used for the course. The links for these are not in this lab setup, and you should receive them separately.

Other notes:

  • It’s a good idea to keep downloaded software install files on the machines during the class in case of problems that require a re-install.
  • Cloning a setup is generally not a problem. If it is, we’ll mention it in the software section (for example, much of the IBM/RAD-WAS software can be problematic in this regard).

Hardware 1 ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla eu velit eu tellus luctus auctor. Suspendisse placerat ipsum sed elit. Pellentesque sapien enim, rutrum at, lacinia pharetra, luctus ut, odio. Maecenas sit amet lectus. Vivamus nulla ligula, imperdiet vel, cursus at, commodo in, nisl. Nullam viverra varius dui. Sed a lectus nec lorem faucibus sollicitudin. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent ac nisi. Ut consequat varius massa. Maecenas purus arcu, porttitor nec, sollicitudin sit amet, fringilla sit amet, est. Nunc facilisis. Praesent eu elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce ut nisi. Maecenas consectetuer adipiscing leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla eu velit eu tellus luctus auctor. Suspendisse placerat ipsum sed elit. Pellentesque sapien enim, rutrum at, lacinia pharetra, luctus ut, odio. Maecenas sit amet lectus. Vivamus nulla ligula, imperdiet vel, cursus at, commodo in, nisl. Nullam viverra varius dui. Sed a lectus nec lorem faucibus sollicitudin. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent ac nisi. Ut consequat varius massa. Maecenas purus arcu, porttitor nec, sollicitudin sit amet, fringilla sit amet, est. Nunc facilisis. Praesent eu elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce ut nisi. Maecenas consectetuer adipiscing leo.

Install Java Development Kit – JDK 1.8 Update 411

  • Note that any relatively recent JDK1.8 version is fine.
  • Note that you'll need a free Oracle logon to download the JDK.
  • From https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/javase8u211-later-archive-downloads.html find the latest Java 8 release installer file for your OS
    • Windows 64 bit: e.g. jdk-8u411-windows-x64.exe (Almost certainly this is the one you want. 32-bit Windows OS installs are now rare).
  • Click the link for the installer file, accept the license agreement, enter your login credentials, and download the installer.
  • Run the installer and take all defaults.

  • Create or modify environment variables as appropriate for your OS. This will add an environment variable JAVA_HOME, and modify your path to include the jdk bin folder
    • JAVA_HOME:
      • Right click My Computer and choose Properties > click the Advanced tab > click the Environment Variables button
      • In the bottom half of the dialog, click New to add a new System variable
      • Variable name: JAVA_HOME (this is case-sensitive)
      • Variable value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_411 (or adjust to the actual path where you installed the JDK and your JDK version – please double-check this path – probably best to copy and paste it)
      • Click OK
    • Path:


      • Find this existing entry in the bottom half of the Environment Variables button, and click Edit
      • Click in the Variable value field and move your cursor all the way to the left (pressing Home on your keyboard should do this quickly for you)
      • Check whether the value below is already present, or add it at the beginning if necessary (make sure you get all of this, including the trailing semicolon, with no spaces):
    • Click OK repeatedly (likely in 3 different dialogs) until all the dialogs close.

  • Open a terminal prompt type the below, and press Enter

    javac -version

    You should get a message that tells you the version. If the command is not found, you did something wrong.

  • Close the terminal prompt. You’re done installing Java