Introduction to Spring 5, Spring Boot, and Spring REST (2022): Lab Setup Instructions (Windows OS - Java 17, Eclipse, Tomcat 9)
Below are the standard requirements for this course. If you have any questions or issues, please contact us.
Important Note: Student lab files are required on each computer used for the course. The links for these are not in this lab setup, and you should receive them separately.
Other notes:
- It’s a good idea to keep downloaded software install files on the machines during the class in case of problems that require a re-install.
- Cloning a setup is generally not a problem. If it is, we’ll mention it in the software section (for example, much of the IBM/RAD-WAS software can be problematic in this regard).
Hardware and classroom setup.
Each student and the instructor shall have a workstation that fulfills the listed requirements.
- Required: Intel-compatible processor (with reasonably recent hardware).
- Memory: 8GB min recommended
- Disk Space: Free disk space for software installs (generally minimum 2GB)
- Operating System: Windows OS (Any modern version - e.g. Windows 10. - labs have not been tested on Windows 8 variants)
- Required: Zip utility. A good free one is 7-zip
- Required: Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Required: One of Firefox browser ( or Chrome browser ( Edge browser is not sufficient.
- Recommended: Internet access
- Recommended: Class machines networked together - allows students to access a shared network directory.
Install 7-zip
We’ve found that there are sometimes problems using the built in Windows archive/zip utility. This generally has to do with long path lengths that it can’t handle. Use 7-zip to extract the labs and any software zips which we’ve found very reliable.
- Can try direct download link for 64-bit install:
- If that doesn’t work, go to home page
- Near the top of the page, find the download link for your bitness (probably 64 bit), and download the installer.
- Execute the installer, and take all the defaults.
- You can now extract zip files by right clicking on them, and selecting 7-Zip | Extract ...
Lab Files: Each student and instructor must have lab files installed (links to these files are generally sent separately via e-mail).
- Extract the lab files to a location conveniently accessible to the student (e.g. C:\ )
- Recommend using utility like 7-zip, not Windows built-in extractor.
- If using folder other than C:\, make sure that students know where they are.
Other instructor requirements for the classroom
- Projector or large screen TV capable of 1280x800 or higher resolution. Instructor must be able to use this to project slides.
- Whiteboard (preferred) or flip charts with markers.
Install Java Development Kit – JDK 17
- Note that any JDK 17 version should work fine.
- We will use the (Eclipse Temurin) download. This is the OpenJDK distribution that is managed by the Eclipse Foundation.
- We've found this to be very reliable, easy to install/use, and with no restrictive licensing terms.
- Try the Direct link first:
- If you have problems with the direct link, go to
- Select the Temurin 17 (LTS) radio button
- In the dropdowns, select the Windows Operating System and the Architecture (generally 64 bit)
- Click the link to download the ".msi" file
- Save the file where you can easily get to it
- You should have a file with a name like OpenJDK17U-jdk_x64_windows_hotspot_17.0.13_11.msi (the minor version number, 17.n.n_nn may be different).
- Run the installer (right click on the install file, select Install)
- Click Next on the Welcome dialog,
- In the Custom Setup dialog make sure that Set Java_HOME variable is enabled (click its drop down, and select "Will be installed on local hard drive")
- Click Next through all the dialogs, and click Install in the last dialog.
- This will install the JDK in a folder like C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-17.0.13-hotspot
- If this location is problematic because of your environment, it can be changed. The installer should consistently set the path and JAVA_HOME for you.
Check the following environment variables to make sure they are set properly
- Open a command prompt, and execute the following
- It should give a value like C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-17.0.13-hotspot (for the default install location).
- If not, something has gone wrong with the install.
- Path:
- Open a command prompt, and execute the following
- You should see something like C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-17.0.13-hotspot\bin at the beginning of the path.
Open a terminal prompt, type the below, and press Enter
C:\Users\student: javac -version
javac 17.0.13
You should get output similar to the above. If the command is not found, you did something wrong
- Close the terminal prompt. You’re done installing Java
Install Eclipse 2023-03 for Enterprise Java Developers (Windows OS - 64 bit Installer)
- NOTE: We are using the Eclipse Installer for this - different from the zip file install we've often used
- Download the installer:
- Create install folder:
- Create the folder C:\eclipse-2023-03. We will install all the Eclipse files into C:\eclipse-2023-03\eclipse.
- Because the Eclipse installer will NOT allow you to install directly into C:\
- Install:
- Run the installer
- In the first dialog, choose "Eclipse IDE for Enterprise and Java Developers"
- In the next dialog, set the following
- Choose your Java VM: It may auto-detect your correct VM - if so, then use it. If not, then browse to the correct install folder for your Java installation
- Choose the Java VM that you installed earlier in the setup instructions for this course.
- Installation folder: Select the C:\eclipse-2023-03 folder you created above
- Leave "create start menu entry" and "create desktop shortcut" checked
- Click Install - It should install cleanly.
- Test
- Run the Eclipse program (there should be a shortcut on the desktop)
- Accept the default workspace, and let it load
- Go to menu item Window | Preferences | Java | Installed JREs
- Make sure your Java install is listed in the dialog, and is checked to be the default Java install that is used.
- Click Cancel out of all dialogs
- Quit Eclipse
- That’s it. You’re done installing Eclipse
Install Tomcat 9.0
- Download: From go to the Binary distributions section for Tomcat 9.0 and download the zip file
- Go to the link with label zip: in the section labeled Core:
- The filename will be something like
- Save the file where you can access it easily
- Extract: Extract the zip file where students can access and run it easily.
- Windows OS: Common location is C:\
- Mac OS: Common location is user home directory.
- That’s all that needs to be done to install Tomcat.